Last weekend I did the Christmas Maker’s Market at Main Stage Creative Community Center in Eureka Springs. It was my first craft show in the USA, selling the bags that I created, using the fabrics that I design. ( 30% of sales were donated to Main Stage) I sold 11 bags, 2 wristlets, 7 original fabrics. It was a great success for me and gave me confidence that I was on the right track. There was a great response from the people at the show, both customers and vendors and artists. This last six months has had times of nervousness, doubt, insecurity and lack of confidence in starting an all new adventure. But there was always the voice of intuition, inspiration and the joy of the process that kept me going and motivated. I love living in a small town where people are helpful and kind, I saw an article in the local newspaper about this show and called the organizer. She was able to find me a small space and in less than a week and I was at my first art and craft show. During the show I would occasionally play my violin-Christmas song, pop song, kids song, just for fun and to fulfill my soul from my love of playing. I love following my passion, doing what I love and resonating with the people around me that are doing the same. All for good energy. I put love into what I am doing as it fulfills the circle of life for me. I feel I am putting that energy and love into the fabric and bags I am creating. More stories to come about the reasons I created this collection of fabrics and some new bags.

上個禮拜參與了在Eureka Springs 的Main Stage Creative Community Center 的Christmas Makers Market。第一次面對面的銷售自己的包包以及我設計的布料,兩天內(共9小時的營業),30%捐贈給這個非營利組織,我賣了11個包包,2個手拿包,7塊自己設計的布料。不僅能幫忙在藝術社區中的貢獻,也讓我自己更有了自信持續進行我的目標,理解自己是在對的軌道。 在過去這半年來,或許是很忐忑,很擔憂以及失去自信,每一次的改變一直是我告訴自己,相信自己的直覺,而總是有聲音,或者是有好事發生,讓我持續的往前。 在市集前幾天,看見報紙有這個市集,立馬詢問是否還能報名,很幸運地有了最後一個桌子可以擺攤。這兩天,我帶著我所拿手的小提琴,時不時地拉聖誕歌,或者一些老歌,或者一些迪士尼(如果小朋友出現),帶給大家快樂,自己沈浸在藝術空間內,fullfilled 我的靈魂。 I love following my passion, doing what I love and resonating with the people around me that are doing the same. All for good energy. I put love into what I am doing as it fulfills the circle of life for me. I feel I am putting that energy and love into the fabric and bags I am creating. 我會繼續分享我的新包包/新作品。以及敘述這一整個系列布的設計概念。

Photo credit to Melissa Amussen (first one with my violin)