So glad to have this opportunity to perform @RogersLocalFoodandArtMarket again!
First ever play in Farmers market!
Prepare brand new equipments just for this specific performance! Although it give me a reason/motivation upgraded my gears for a better performance experience too! I have been enjoying my new equipments!
Comment below if you interested in what gears I am using.
For this performance, I had prepare 50 songs arranged by Francesco Parrino and Costantino Carrara! Wonderful arrangements! Check them out!
I felt so touch when one of the listener came to me said that she was there at Eclipse before Moonlight!!! I am so happy to hear that and it keeps me moving and motivated!
Here's my set up!
Thanks to one of the vendor's flower! I will check the shop name this week!

While I am keep looking for opportunities of gigs/performances.
In the mean time, I felt the Jazz is calling, so I am working on Jazz right now. Don't know when my brain will finally get it!
To be continue....
LOVE to being a musician!